About us
The Postgraduate Studies Programme was established in 2009 (Y.A. 137707/B7, Government Gazette 574/B΄/30-3-2009), was re-established in the year 2018 (A.P. 20184255, Government Gazette 3126/B’/31-7-2018) in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 4485/2017 (Government Gazette 114 A) and in 2024 it was renamed to “Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence Technologies” (A.P. 20242789 , Government Gazette 2779/B’ /16-5-2024 ).
The teaching of the courses is carried out through a mixed attendance system (distance learning and physical presence). In addition, making full use of new technologies and listening to the candidates’ wishes, hybrid attendance is possible.
In addition and in parallel with their studies, postgraduate students have the opportunity to be certified by a recognized body as ISO 27001:2013 INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ISMS) AUDITOR, as well as CCNA Security.
The MSc “Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence Technologies” from its inception, and through its quality policy, following the quality policy of the University of Piraeus and the Department of Digital Systems, expresses its commitment to quality and the processes that ensure it, as the main means to achieve high quality academic and research work for the benefit of the overall academic community. The academic community of the MSc (staff, students, alumni and collaborators) work and collaborate according to the values and goals of the University of Piraeus and the Department of Digital Systems, and embrace their Vision, Mission and Strategy. They adopt common policies, recognize good practices and participate in continuous improvement processes.
Cybersecurity and artificial intelligence technologies are two of the most critical and fast-growing areas in technology. Their combined use has the potential to offer significant advantages in the protection of information systems. AI has the potential to transform the field of cybersecurity by providing more effective prevention-focused solutions. However, the adoption of these technologies must be done with caution, taking into account the risks and challenges that may arise.
The curriculum of the MSc is an ambitious, coherent and well-designed curriculum that aims to prepare scientists who are oriented towards research, academic careers, or careers in productive institutions of the public or private sector interested in the use of Digital Security and Artificial Intelligence methods and innovation in these areas.
Graduates of the MSc in “Cybersecurity and AI Technologies” (formerly known as “Digital Systems Security”) meet the above requirements – needs and have a clear advantage over other candidates for jobs in the field of Systems Security and the use of AI Technologies. Apart from the scheduled courses and workshops of the curriculum, students further expand their knowledge and experience through various parallel activities organized by the MSc:
● Possibility for students to participate in ISO27001 Lead Auditor, DPO and CISMM certification seminars, a large part of the cost of which is covered by the MSc
● Participation in cybersecurity exercises both at national (PANOPTIS) and European level (European Cyber Security Challenge – for which the selection and training of the Greek National Team is carried out by the Department’s Digital Systems Security Laboratory following a relevant assignment by the Ministry of Digital Policy).
● Preparing for the adoption of the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which concerns and affects all public organisations and private companies that manage personal data.
● Invitation of a large number of speakers from other Universities in Greece and Europe, with emphasis on scientists who are widely recognized and highly regarded in the field of security and privacy protection.
The teaching of the courses of the MSc “Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence Technologies” is covered by faculty members of the Department of Digital Systems and by external scientific collaborators, with rich research work in the scientific area of the MSc courses and with teaching experience.
The Master’s degree at a glance
The Postgraduate Studies Programme in Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence Technologies, aims at (a) the scientific specialization of young scientists in the fields of Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence Technologies and the protection of user privacy, (b) the training/qualification of scientists already employed in Greek or international companies and organisations of the public and private sector, and (c) the preparation for doctoral level studies in subjects related to Cybersecurity, AI and Privacy Protection.
1. The further scientific qualification of young scientists in the fields of Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence Technologies, and user privacy and the preparation for doctoral level studies.
2. The training/qualification of scientists already employed in Greek or international companies and organizations of the public and private sector.
3. The development of academic competencies and the strengthening of communication, collaboration and commitment management skills of the student body through group work, group presentations and other collaborative forms.
4. To provide high quality postgraduate education, so that graduates have the ability to contribute to the development of Greece’s technological policy.